Environmental policy
Nordic should constantly improve and prevent the operation for a better environment through increased awareness and action on the part of employees, contractors and customers who:
- How we can reduce our greatest environmental impact from our resources to air, soil and water.
- More efficient logistics solutions.
- Applicable laws and requirements.
- How we can reduce pollution.
Health and Safety Policy
Our health and safety policy means that every employee and agency in the daily work is showing a personal responsibility for health and the environment, and that we:
- Complies with the regulations and standards in force.
- Work Prepares all missions.
- Risk Analyses if necessary.
- Protects our work environment so that new risks are reduced.
- Thrive and develop in our work.
- Informing staff and contractors so that customer orders will be as harmless as possible.
- Faced with a new assignment / project to occupational health and environmental aspects investigated.
Measures must then be taken, as far as is reasonable, to prevent adverse effects and minimize risks.
Policy for personal protective equipment
All staff and hired at Nordic will in our workplaces always use:
- Safety glasses if necessary and / or when the customer requires (Skanska, etc.)
- Shoe with toe cap.
- Helmet at the workplace if necessary and / or when the customer requires it.
- High visibility clothing when needed and / or when the customer requires it.
- Harness for climbing, when climbing and perform work at heights.
- ID06 tray and any other passport. (SSG etc.)
- Mobile phone available (so you can access it at any accident.)
- Customer / workplace safety.